
BATH   Fighter   Danced Orange   Clumsily

I lay in the bathtub relaxing my muscles in the lukewarm water as streaks of sunset hit the water reflecting off the soft porcelain tub. I clumsily sit up to grab a small bath bomb leaving small grains on the table.  Slowly I release the bath bomb from my grip. It bounces up and down in the water, releasing waves of bright orange pigment. The bright orange colour swirls and dances around me. My fists that were once clenched like a fighter now relaxed and floating beside me while small bubbles fizz between my fingertips.


  1. Your word choice is very specific. This adds additional information to your texts e.g. grains, slowly, release- it really does create an image for your reader. Continue to experiment with punctuation and perfect your use of commas. You have used the prompt very creatively.


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