

I sat at the kitchen table tapping my middle and pointer finger onto the dark oak. A ray of sunset slips through a slit in the curtain glistening on the dining table. A small bowl slides in front of me, the steam floats up and into my face. The simple yet delightful smell of freshly cooked rice makes my mouth water. I anxiously grab a pair of chopsticks but before I could taste my first mouthful another plate of grilled fish appears before me. Without a second thought  ignore the fish and start digging in. “Eat the fish, it makes you smarter.” mum said grabbing a small piece and putting it into my bowl. “Why should I eat it?” I asked. “Because I said so.” snapped my mother.

Mid Year writing goals



BATH   Fighter   Danced Orange   Clumsily I lay in the bathtub relaxing my muscles in the lukewarm water as streaks of sunset hit the water reflecting off the soft porcelain tub. I clumsily sit up to grab a small bath bomb leaving small grains on the table.  Slowly I release the bath bomb from my grip. It bounces up and down in the water, releasing waves of bright orange pigment. The bright orange colour swirls and dances around me. My fists that were once clenched like a fighter now relaxed and floating beside me while small bubbles fizz between my fingertips.

Plastic free goal

My goal going plastic free is to stop using plastic shopping bags and to bring my own reusable bags while shopping not just at the supermarket.

100 word challenge

These spiky little creatures come in all different shapes and sizes just like us! The durian, has a spiky exterior with soft yellow organs that melt in your mouth. The durian is also one of the least dangerous fruits only releasing stinky fumes that only the people they don’t like can smell. Additionally there is certainly a reason why durians are called the king of all fruit. Not only are they one of the biggest and most unique. The durian is one of the most expensive fruits so you know that your getting the real deal.


I encountered a difficulty today, a very depressing difficulty. Today I stuffed soap up someone's nose. She was vivid. I was completely JUNGSHOOK. I was about to pee myself but the "man" inside me told me to suck it up. I felt bad afterwards but once you lean in you can't go back. How will I get past this you may ask? ☺️-jess   (ps i know im pretty cool)

100 word challenge

The Thumpchkin My mythical creature is a frog looking creature with a long white beard and black pupils that can see in the dark. The only thing that it can eat is buttered popcorn. My creature is around the size of a XL green gumboot, with a slimy exterior. Unfortunately though, my creature, named thumpchkin can’t make their own buttered popcorn. So they have to trick human passing by their natural habitat, which is underneath movie theatre seats to drop the popcorn so that the thumpchkin can grab it with their 30cm long tongue.